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If you no longer need a recording or perhaps you made it by mistake, here’s how you can quickly delete it.
On Your Apple Watch
Delete one recording:
- Tap into the recording you wish to delete.
- Touch and hold the Playback screen to reveal the action menu.
- Tap ‘Delete’.

Delete all recordings:
- On your Watch, touch and hold on the list of recordings.
- Tap ‘Delete All’.

On Your Paired iPhone
- Open the Watch Recordings folder.
- Swipe left on the recording you want to delete to reveal the 🗑️ bin icon.
Alternatively, you can tap the Edit button at the top right corner to select multiple recordings then delete using the 🗑️ bin icon at the bottom right corner.
Note: Deleting a recording from your Watch will also remove it from your iPhone so be sure to append it before you delete.
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